If you want to make money in this market, you will remove the hand that constantly presses the buy-sell button.

If you want to make money in this market, you have to control the emotion that pushes you to the buy-sell button.

If you want to make money in this market, you have to stop staring at a screen.

If you want to make money in this market, you will not change your psychology every green candle or red candle.

If you want to make money in this market, you will see the big picture, not the small picture.

If you want to make money in this market, you should stop dreaming of getting rich overnight and know that this job requires patience.

If you want to make money in this market, you have to improve yourself.

If you want to make money in this market, you will listen to Crypto Analysis because he made many more mistakes than you. There is no one in this market who has made as many mistakes as Crypto Analysis. That's why I know who is making what mistake at which stage.




