! ! ! A huge earthquake! ! ! !

BTC and ETH investment decisions: split positions or buy blindly?

Just now, BTC hit 60620 again. This second chance successfully reduced the position by 50%, reducing the cost and making the position more reasonable. It was so cool!

Many people are panicking because they are all-in.

I always think that even if it doesn't rise today, it will rise after the release of the big non-agricultural data tomorrow. Maybe it will soar to the sky!

From the weekly level, it has already diverged from the bottom.

Speaking of this, the contract may be worried about the pin, but the spot BTC and ETH at this price is simply bought with eyes closed.

For small retail investors, buying spot may not make much money, but big investors can just buy it with eyes closed.

Now the question is, for the spot of BTC and ETH, do you still need to buy it in split positions?

Even if it falls to 57,000, it is only a 5% drop, and the split warehouse feels meaningless. You know, the split warehouse of these two coins is common in contracts, not spot! What do you think?

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