Just now, BTC hit 60620 again. This second chance, I still notified you to reduce your position by 50%. The cost is low, and the position is also reduced. Isn't this comfortable? You are panicking because you have all in.

I always feel that even if it doesn't rise today, it will rise after the big non-agricultural data is released tomorrow, at least a skyrocketing surge.

The weekly level has already diverged from the bottom. The contract may be afraid of being stuck. Buy spot BTC and ETH at this price with your eyes closed, and split a JB gross position. For these two value coins, small retail investors may not make much money by buying spot, and big investors can just buy them with their eyes closed.

I just want to ask you, BTC and ETH, do you still need to buy spot positions now? It only fell to 57,000 by 5%, so there is no point in splitting positions. Splitting positions for these two coins is generally common in contracts rather than spot. $BTC