The market has been volatile recently. All kinds of data, whether bullish or bearish, have to be adjusted. You have to understand that BTC production cuts have caused many people to lose money, the news of Ethereum ETF passing has caused many people to lose money, and SOL's ETF in the future will also cause many people to lose money. The Fed's interest rate cut will also cause more people to lose money!

These are all destined! ! Judging the market requires cognition! Trading requires luck! Without cognition, there is no so-called luck. Occasional money is useless in the capital market! When you have enough cognition of the market, you will naturally reduce desire, greed and eliminate fear! Treat trading as a game, and you will naturally make stable money in the long run regardless of whether it goes up or down. The two major characteristics of human nature are greed and fear! If these two problems are not solved, you will never be able to survive stably! #美国首次申领失业救济人数超出预期 #非农就业数据即将公布 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 $BTC