The night before yesterday, the financial market was like a magic spell, and staged a thrilling drama. The speech of Federal Reserve Chairman Powell shook the entire market like thunder and triggered violent fluctuations.

Powell stood on the podium with a calm posture, and his words revealed a power that should not be underestimated. He first announced that the Federal Reserve had made remarkable achievements in the fight against inflation. This news was like a spring breeze, injecting vitality into the market. However, he immediately changed his tone and emphasized that before adopting an accommodative monetary policy, there must be enough confidence to ensure that inflation can fall steadily to a target range close to 2%.

As soon as this was said, the market's mood suddenly tensed. Although Powell's words were not directly stated, they were like a sword of Damocles hanging over the hearts of investors, making it difficult to ignore the deep meaning behind them. He predicted that the US inflation rate may hover around 2.5% in the next year. This prediction undoubtedly poured cold water on those investors who were looking forward to a larger interest rate cut.

When asked whether the Fed would implement a rate cut in September, Powell's answer accelerated the market's heartbeat to the limit. He responded in an almost Zen-like attitude: "Regarding the specific date, I can't give a definite answer at this moment." This sentence was like a stone thrown into a quiet lake, stirring up ripples and causing the entire market to fall into deep thought and speculation.

However, just when the market atmosphere was so tense that it was almost frozen, the US stock market completed a "Jedi counterattack" in an amazing way. After a brief correction, the Nasdaq Index and the S&P 500 Index quickly reversed their decline and turned from cloudy to sunny. As of 23:00 Beijing time, the two major indexes achieved an increase of 0.28% and 0.08% respectively, as if announcing to the world that they had successfully passed the test of Powell's "stress test".

In sharp contrast to the jubilant scene of the US stock market, the digital currency market fell into a cold silence. Powell's ambiguous statement, like a sudden bucket of ice water, completely extinguished the enthusiasm and hope of cryptocurrency investors. They were worried that the Fed's monetary policy adjustment would have an adverse impact on the digital currency market, so they chose to sell their assets to avoid risks.