The secret that the main force does not want retail investors to know the most is the two characteristics before he runs away!

First of all, everyone remembers that the main force must run away at a high position after a continuous surge.

The first characteristic: the high position first increases in volume or opens sharply higher and then fluctuates in a huge amount, which means that it does not rise much, also known as a large-scale self-inflation

The main force mainly increases in volume or opens sharply higher, which will definitely attract a large number of follow-up orders to enter the market. The main force can take the opportunity to sell at a good price. But the main force has too many chips. He can't be like retail investors. He can sell out all the stocks in one piece

What should I do? Next, the high-level fluctuations, jumping up and down, create an illusion that the main force is sucking the market, and attract retail investors to continue to enter the market to take over. For example, the main force first rises and falls on the same day, and sells a batch first. After a sharp drop in the morning of the next day, it violently bottoms out and rises in the afternoon, giving retail investors an illusion that it can't fall. After repeated tossing several times, retail investors relax their vigilance and increase their positions. Just like shouting wolf several times, there is no sharp drop at this time, and then there is no silver online. In this process, the main force can smoothly ship goods.

The second feature: Although it has the highest accuracy, it is also the most complicated and difficult to understand. I summarize it into 6 words: the stronger the top

You may wonder that it is not right! How can the main force be stronger if it has shipped goods? The chips in the hands of the main force are huge. He can't sell them all at once like retail investors.

In fact, being a main force is also very hard. Especially when shipping, he will be even more tired. He has to drag the price of the currency to give retail investors confidence, and sell it secretly. If you don't pay attention to the trick and let the retail investors run away first, the main force is likely to be unable to ship at a high position, so he has to repeatedly smash it down and pull it up, and even constantly create new highs to stimulate the highest desires of retail investors. Therefore, the more the area of ​​top shipment, the harder the main force has to perform.

Then it is reflected in the trend that the trend feels very strong, so it will be reflected in the technical indicators that there will be a divergence after shock or a divergence after continuous adjustment and a new high. This is the logical principle of divergence and back words