Consumption upgrade has been going on all the time.

It's just that you don't feel it.

Let's take the simplest example.

Zibo barbecue.

Many people regard Zibo barbecue as a kind of consumption downgrade, but in fact, Zibo barbecue is also a kind of consumption upgrade. If you are in a first-tier city, you often go to big restaurants, and you feel that eating barbecue is not a consumption upgrade. However, if you often go to small cities, you will find that the barbecue environment in small cities is much better than in previous years. And these environments are actually a kind of consumption upgrade.

Everyone can pay close attention to whether the decoration of many restaurants around you is getting better and better?

Even some fly restaurants now have some special decoration.

Do you think this is a consumption upgrade?

Just like your mobile phone, the appearance has been upgraded and the price has increased, so is your mobile phone considered an upgrade?

Let's talk about industrial upgrading.

Think about it, from the product quality in the past to the product quality now, is the quality getting better and better? In terms of technology, is the new energy vehicle a typical industrial upgrade?

We are getting better and better now.

It’s just that the process of getting better is like a poor student becoming the best in the class. At the beginning, he always makes rapid progress, but as time goes by, the speed becomes slower and slower. However, this person still continues to move forward.