First of all, don't worry about whether the market is a bull market or a bear market, this is not the most important thing. For those investors who are fully invested, they must consider withdrawing part of the principal in the current rebound stage to maintain a certain cash flow. They cannot hold all positions, which is too risky! The best strategy is to keep the ratio of currency holdings and USDT 50-50!

Second, still adhere to the strategy mentioned above, choose those high-quality tracks, such as public chains or value coins, and cash out in time when there is profit! It is enough to make some money, don't pursue profit maximization too much! Don't be too obsessed with a single currency, and keep flexibility!

Third, avoid getting involved in contract trading, and don't try to fight against market trends. Especially on the first day of July and the beginning of the third quarter, the market volatility is usually large, and the operations of institutions and dealers are also more complex and unpredictable!

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