Pay attention ⚠️ Holders of this kind of altcoins, please pay attention!

🚨 A must-read for altcoin holders! Binance issued a delisting warning for 11 altcoins! 🚨

Binance official big move! Today, 11 altcoins were announced to be on the "observation blacklist", including BAL, CTXC, CVP, CVX, DOCK, HARD, IRIS, MBL, POLS, SNT and SUN. These coins are now the focus of Binance's monitoring!

Why? Because their recent market performance is like a roller coaster, and the risk is a bit high. Binance will keep an eye on their every move and "monitor" them regularly to see if they can pass.

The standards for passing are very strict. It depends on whether the project is reliable, whether the transaction is popular, whether the money is easy to circulate, whether the network is stable, and whether they have made positive contributions to the crypto currency world.

However, there is good news! MLN and ZEN have graduated from the blacklist due to their good performance. However, the remaining "key observation students" have to take a "small test" every 90 days to continue to stay in the exchange.

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