《ADP data is coming, hold the bullet in your hand tightly, and be ready for battle》

Although this is a small non-farm, it is quite powerful!

The just-released US ADP employment in June increased by 150,000, with an estimated increase of 165,000 and a previous value of 152,000. This shows that companies increased the number of workers at a more moderate rate in June, and wage growth slowed down, which is more consistent with the gradual cooling of labor demand.

Tucker believes that the lower-than-expected employment growth and slower wage growth may imply a slowdown in economic growth. In this case, investors may seek more risk-return assets, including cryptocurrencies, to obtain higher returns. However, this impact is relatively weak because the cryptocurrency market is mainly driven by its own unique factors, such as technological innovation, regulatory policies, and market sentiment.

Secondly, if expectations of slower economic growth increase, it may lead to increased uncertainty in traditional financial markets. Some investors may transfer part of their funds to the cryptocurrency market as a means of risk hedging. But at the same time, there may be investors who reduce their investment in all risky assets, including cryptocurrencies, due to concerns about the overall economic situation. #meme板块关注热点 #非农就业数据即将公布 #币安合约锦标赛 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划