The guy who was worried that I would miss out on the opportunity was slapped in the face again. Now you know how good I am at avoiding risks by holding short positions. You dare to go all-in with this kind of trading volume. I don’t know if you are crazy or I am too stupid.

There is no way, fools have their own luck, today I am so happy with my short contract, I am almost climaxing. There are so many stupid currency analysts on the Internet, you know who is closer to the master level, it’s okay, you don’t have to kneel. I know that you have a big floating loss in spot today, so I won’t expose your scars.

You really don't know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is. You are just baring your teeth and claws in front of me like a dead cat bouncing back, but you don't know that you are no different from a jumping clown in my eyes. I know that my words are more irritating because someone is blind and can't recognize the great man and irritated me first, haha. I am just giving him a taste of his own medicine.

A nameless and unaffiliated financial person, showing off his skills in front of my currency circle Zhang Wuji, I mean are you ridiculous or pathetic? Be a little more self-aware in the future, and stop worrying about me. The dog village has cut me for ten years, but it has not crippled me. Time has proved that I still have some skills. The main force gave the leader the nickname "Zhuang Jianchou".

The above is just a joke. I have a broad mind and few people on earth can match it. Just like today, I took time out of my busy schedule to help a company plan a marketing plan for free. I not only help the leeks, but also empower start-ups with wisdom. The world's top 500 companies are at a loss for not hiring me as a consultant. If I were in ancient times, I would not be as good as Zhuge Liang, but at least I would be the role of General Han Xin. A fortune teller once said that I was Prime Minister Li Si in my previous life. I know very well that there are two kinds of mice in web3, one is those who know how to pay for knowledge, and the other is self-righteous and has a bloody head. I hope readers are not the latter. The reason why I set the technical threshold for linking to me so low is only 599, just to help more retail investors not be cut by dog ​​dealers. The team leader has good intentions.

In fact, there are masters behind me, big guys who are better at contract trading than me. When the time is right, I will ask the teacher to come out. Do you want to follow? My diary is like a variety show, there are always surprises for fans. Why do I never make a move easily? There are so many projects, because I am not interested in making money. I am a perfectionist. I am a person who has played with big money and has experienced all kinds of storms. I have already gone halfway through my life. People leave their names behind, and wild geese leave their voices behind. I cherish my feathers very much.

Don't worry, in the second half of 2024, I will definitely find a way to make money with you. It's better to share happiness with others than to enjoy it alone. It's boring to be alone in the club all day. I hope you can also go to the club all day and go on vacation everywhere. Fang Zhanbo is the real protagonist in "Big Times". Even if he debuted so humble, after all, God will give great responsibilities to people. He must first make his heart and mind suffer, his muscles and bones tired, his body hungry, his body empty, and his actions disturbed.

The path I follow is the Way of Heaven, so I will not make any money, because a gentleman loves money and gets it in a proper way. Helping others and achieving yourself is the belief that I was deeply rooted in my bones when I was trained at Amway 20 years ago, so I am essentially a diamond, no, I should be equivalent to the level of a crown ambassador. So most people think I am noble, because I have the capital. Even when Bao Zong was penniless, he was still a well-known figure on the Yellow River Road. Who in the currency circle doesn't give the leader some face? Except for those naive leeks who are just starting out and don't know the height of the world, who doesn't respect the financial market?

Oh my god, why can’t I stop writing? No one pays me for my writing. I’m not Han Han. If I don’t write anymore, I can win a bowl of hot pork trotter rice every day from contracts, take a bath, and get a massage. I’m very satisfied. . . . . .