Yesterday we talked about whether it is feasible to use small coins to make profits and then exchange them for Bitcoin if you missed out on Bitcoin. The answer is no.

Then there is a premise that needs to be considered here, which is "missing out on Bitcoin."

Is Bitcoin Really Missing Out?

To answer this question, we must first clarify what is missing.

If there is a signpost and I pass by it while walking, then I can say that I missed the signpost.

If I meet someone, fall in love with him/her for a while and then break up, then I can say that I missed this person.

In other words, what was missed was a point or a period of time. Now this point or time no longer exists, so we can say that I missed something.

But now it is obviously not possible to use the word "missed" for Bitcoin, because it is still there and developing very well. How can it be missed?

So the missed opportunity here is more likely to refer to missing the issuance point of Bitcoin, or the period when the price was very low, such as a few thousand yuan, or ten or twenty thousand yuan.

So the question is, does it matter if you missed the launch point of Bitcoin and its early low prices?

The answer is, it doesn’t matter.

Firstly, even if you knew about Bitcoin in 2011, you might not have bought it. Even if you had bought it then, you might not have been able to hold it until now, right?

Those who were able to buy at that time and hold on to it until now are the elite among the human elite. People like you and me are far from them.

The main reason why a half-baked person like me now firmly believes in Bitcoin is that it has a history, and has been reborn from the ashes after countless deaths in previous rounds, setting new highs.

As for saying that it is indeed a good product, a good product does not guarantee good development and market. If I had encountered Bitcoin back then, I would definitely not have been able to hold on to it.

So don't regret missing out on the early release and low price, because it won't belong to you at that time.

At the same time, there is a famous quote from Lu Xun in the market: The market is never short of opportunities, what it lacks is money and cognition.

So here comes the more important second point.

What kind of money do we make with Bitcoin?

The money earned is from the waves.

If I buy at one dollar and sell at ten dollars, I make nine dollars.

Similarly, what if I buy at eleven dollars and sell at twenty dollars?

That also makes nine dollars.

Buy at 101 and sell at 110?

It’s still nine dollars.

In other words, we made nine dollars for this period.

So what if you get in late?

Then try to hold it longer.

As long as you hold on for long enough, you may also be able to capture longer waves than those who enter the market earlier, which means making more money, right?

He made 60,000 or 70,000 from 10,000 or 20,000, then you can make 110,000, 120,000, or even 200,000 or 1 million from 60,000 or 70,000.

Don't you make as much as he does, or even more than him?

So don’t say you missed out on Bitcoin. You didn’t miss it. It is still there quietly waiting for you. Don’t say you missed out on the early stages of Bitcoin. It is normal to miss out. Few people have not missed it.

The important thing is not to miss it now, and what’s more important is to hold it now and hold it long enough, longer than those who entered before.

You will still win.