Current market trends show that Bitcoin price is approaching the key support level of $60,000. This trend has caused widespread unease in the cryptocurrency circle, and its ripple effects have spread to many mainstream cryptocurrencies, collectively experiencing significant value callback.

The industry is curious about the driving force behind the decline, especially considering that Bitcoin prices briefly rose over the weekend. Discussions continue to heat up as market participants are paying close attention, trying to parse whether this is a brief fluctuation in the market's natural adjustment or a sign of deeper challenges.

The concentrated expiration of options contracts on Bitcoin and Ethereum has become another important driver of this price fluctuation. According to statistics, Bitcoin options totaling more than 1.04 billion US dollars are about to usher in the delivery day, with the ratio of put to call options being approximately 0.80. The market generally believes that US$63,000 may become a "pain point" that triggers violent fluctuations.

The Ethereum market is also facing a similar situation. Options contracts worth up to $479.3 million are also approaching expiration. The put-to-call ratio is low at 0.38, and $3,450 is considered a potentially sensitive price in the market. The expiration of these large-scale options contracts has undoubtedly added additional uncertainty to the market, prompting traders to urgently adjust their strategies to deal with potential position risks.

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