I won't say more about the logic of entry, which was discussed in detail on Monday and Tuesday.

This article mainly makes a simple decomposition of the profit-taking expectation #BTC

I rarely predict the market, and most of the profit-taking is to take one step at a time, but there will also be a rough expectation, which is defined by some traditional methods and key positions of the market.

Expectation 1 AB=CD This is a relatively simple prediction method. The AB segment is the main decline, BC is the rebound suppressed by FIB0.382, and the CD segment is the trend continuation segment, which usually moves with the same amplitude as the AB segment. Referring to the AB segment falling by about 19%, the CD segment is expected to reach around 52,000 by the same amplitude.

Expectation 2 The last chip-dense range This cannot be used as an expectation of the price to be reached. It is just that the stop behavior may be made in the last chip-dense area, that is, do not judge how strong the downward momentum is, but there may be support in this range of 53,000-51,000.

Expected 3 Daily Distribution Structure We often talk about the daily level oscillating for 4 months. The time is long enough and the amplitude space is large enough. If this interval is broken, a reversal structure will be formed, and a short-term main decline wave will be ushered in. How strong is the downward momentum at the daily level? 5%? 10%? I think it is at least the 1:1 space of its box amplitude interval. From this, it can be obtained that after the market falls below the interval, the main decline will reach about 10,000 points.

Combined with the two expectations mentioned above, a certain degree of resonance is formed, so we can temporarily focus on the 53,000-51,000 range.

Of course, I also said that predictions are just predictions, and expectations are just expectations. It does not mean that they will definitely be achieved. The market has to take one step at a time. The market fluctuates randomly, and any market may come out, so we must also be prepared to adjust positions at any time!

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