Analysis of typical methods used by dog ​​dealers to manipulate the market

Creating a false impression to absorb chips: Dog dealers first use the method of quickly selling chips to create the illusion that prices seem to fall, and actively absorb more chips at low prices.

Disrupting market confidence: Through high-frequency small transactions, frequent manipulation of price fluctuations but without forming a clear trend, retail investors feel uncertain and sell accordingly.

Price increase: After sufficient chips are accumulated, dog dealers start to buy in large quantities in a planned manner, pushing market prices up rapidly, and may increase trading activity through multi-account operations.

Skillful control of the market: During the price increase process, dog dealers flexibly use funds, fake a high-price sale and actually withdraw orders to maintain the price increase and lure more retail investors to follow suit.

Dog dealers skillfully use the greed and herd mentality of retail investors to cleverly profit at market highs through clever price manipulation and psychological tactics.

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