Is the winter of altcoins coming? The spring of DeFi value investment has just begun!

What are the opportunities for DeFi in the decline of altcoins?

After Bitcoin hit a new high, altcoins fell collectively, and the market showed a strange differentiation. However, this may be a good opportunity to re-examine DeFi. Although the performance of the DeFi sector has not led the market in the past year, the current adjustment may provide an entry opportunity for value investors.

As a pioneer in the field of encryption, DeFi has a mature business model and profitability. Head projects such as Aave and Uniswap not only have a stable market share, but also have a deep moat. On the supply side, many DeFi projects have passed the peak of token emission, and there will be less selling pressure in the future. On the valuation side, the divergence between market attention and business data has made the valuation of some DeFi projects at a historical low, which provides investors with attractiveness.

On the policy side, the advancement of the FIT21 bill may bring opportunities for compliant development to the DeFi industry, and even trigger a potential wave of mergers and acquisitions. Against the backdrop of the continuous decline of altcoins, the value of DeFi is being rediscovered. Investors should pay attention to DeFi projects with stable business and controllable risks, and seize the opportunity to invest.

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