According to BlockBeats, on July 3, Starkware co-founder and CEO Eli Ben-Sasson wrote, “Now that the first phase of the Starknet Provisions (airdrop) claim period has ended, I would like to share my personal impressions. None of this constitutes investment advice.

There are approximately 400 million STRKs reserved for future rounds. I hope that the Starknet Foundation and its Provisions team can find new ways to distribute tokens to a group of people who care about the long-term vision and mission of Starknet, and who will stay and participate in its security, governance, and operations. I know that is their intention, and that they are researching and discussing ways to achieve this.

In summary, Provisions are designed to distribute Starknet tokens to those who demonstrate care and alignment with Starknet's long-term mission and vision. It is not clear to me whether the method used by the Starknet Foundation to distribute tokens is appropriate and accurate, especially with respect to Starknet users.

I’d love to hear more ideas on token distribution mechanisms from across the ecosystem and outside of it, please post them on the Starknet Community Forum.”