According to TechFlow, XT reminds that the U.S. Automatic Data Processing Corporation will announce the U.S. ADP employment data (10,000 people) for June at 20:15 Singapore time on July 3, 2024.

Release frequency: Once a month (published on the first Wednesday of every month).

What the data means: The ADP non-farm payrolls report is not just a statistic of employment data, but also a barometer of economic trends. Through this report, economists and decision makers can gain insight into changes in the job market and assess the vitality and potential risks of the economy. The release of the report also often triggers fluctuations in financial markets, as employment data is one of the key factors in measuring the health of the economy.

The ADP Nonfarm Payrolls Change Report not only provides timely information on the employment status of the U.S. private sector, but also provides an important reference for forecasting and analyzing more comprehensive official nonfarm payrolls data. Its importance lies not only in the data itself, but also in its role as an important basis for economic expectations and market decisions.

Data impact: Announced value > expected value, good for the US dollar, bad for non-US currencies. Good for Treasury yields. Bad for interest rate cut expectations, good for interest rate hike expectations. Bad for risk markets and virtual currency markets. For example, the previous value tonight was 152,000, and the predicted value was 160,000. If the announced value is 170,000, virtual currency may fall. If the announced value is 140,000, virtual currency may rise.

*Not intended as investment advice