Are the leeks in the cryptocurrency circle stupid and rich?

Leeks always have the fantasy of soaring, operate with full positions, and are unwilling to stop losses. Sometimes, if you think carefully, it is inevitable that leeks lose money. It is not that the dealer is so cunning. The result will be the same if you go to the US stock market.

Don't rush to get on the bus. When you hear that others have made money, you feel itchy in your heart. Don't rush in.

You have to set a bottom line for yourself and think about how much loss you can bear. Don't throw all your money in just for a gamble. Set a stop loss point and brake quickly when the loss reaches a certain level.

Don't be led by emotions. The cryptocurrency market fluctuates too much. Don't sell in a hurry just because others are anxious like ants on a hot pot, and don't blindly follow the rise just because others are buying.

In the end, it is enough to trade twice a year. Accept reality and give up fantasy. From the perspective of cycle theory, the big cake will hit a new low next. Do you know how to operate?

More operation strategies will be shared in more detail in the 10,000-person fan group. Click on the avatar to see the introduction and find me.

