$BTC How they skinned Longi’s hamsters :)

Well, for a month I wrote about the fall of Bitcoin.

I wrote, I write, and I will write again.

Bitcoin has become completely dependent on the US economy.

Direct correlation to any economic and military events that in one way or another affect the United States.

Bitcoin will fall and fall until the Fed lowers the rate.

As we heard from the words of the head of the Federal Reserve System, everything seems to be fine, but we don’t plan to lower the rate yet, in simple words, he’s doing well only in words, but in reality there is inflation and stagnation.

I’ve been writing posts about the fall and correlation since 71k, now it’s 60k, and soon we’ll break through 55-57k.

It was funny while we were clearly falling, we were all in ecstasy, as soon as there was a slight rebound to 63.8k in the comments there were a lot of comments that I was stupid, etc., but that’s how we started to fall further, we immediately started deleting our comments, it was funny to read them and on answer them.

If you want to earn money, follow the US indices and everything related to the economy or military operations. Hugged everyone, threw them up, shortened them ;)

Longs, your panties have already fallen off, soon your panties will come off too. Good luck, kindness, and beaver