#BTC☀ #币圈 #IntroToCopytrading

These two days, I saw two people posting their balances of one million on Twitter. One of them positioned himself as a college student, and the other was a veteran in the cryptocurrency circle.

The authenticity cannot be verified, so just watch it for fun.

After all, the Chinese culture emphasizes not showing off one's wealth, and wealthy people generally don't want others to know; showing off may be due to business needs, or these may just be small amounts.

But it is indeed relatively easy to make and lose money in the cryptocurrency world.

This senior student has accumulated more than 2 million yuan before graduation. Compared with the current college students who are unemployed after graduation, this is much better.

With a base of 2 million, it will be relatively easy to find any job.

Those who cashed out 3kw in the first half of this year have made so much profit in the first half of 2024. It shows their strength. Regardless of whether it is true or not, congratulations to them.

Various balance sharing on Twitter

Chu Xiaolian was on vacation in the mountains during this period and did not follow the market in time. It seems that he did not miss any hot spots. The market was not good and there was no information in the group.

After more than three years in the crypto market, I still haven't found any patterns.

The profit and loss from contract trading is too large, there is no short-term profit from spot trading, and it is difficult to grasp the rise and fall of the market by trading in waves. I can't find a good way to make money by playing web3 games, and it is too time-consuming and the returns are not good to play for free.

There are so many people in the market who post their orders, but they won’t tell you how they made money or how they accumulated from 0 to 1.

There are various ways to make money, and only some people can grasp them; but there are basically traces of losing money, either the contract lost money, the wallet was stolen, or the MEME returned to zero.

7-year-old OG also feels that the market is too difficult

Some people regard the crypto market as a track to be cultivated, while others regard it as an opportunity to make money.

The cryptocurrency world is a redistribution of wealth, and participants all hope to gain new opportunities and profits through market fluctuations.

There are people who succeed and fail on Twitter every day, but their stories are other people’s. You know your own wallet balance best.

Everyone is experiencing the same market conditions and fluctuations. Everyone feels that the market is too difficult. Without a clear direction or operating strategy, it is better to wait and see. There is always a chance as long as you don’t lose everything.

According to the four-year cycle, the crazy bull market will not occur until 2025. Now may be the darkness before dawn. Of course, some people will lose all their money before dawn, and leave the market.

Altcoins fluctuate too much

Any market situation alternates between silence and bustle. If the trough lasts too long, the market will bottom out and regain a new outbreak point.

The crypto market is also active. If this track doesn’t work out, there will soon be an opportunity for the next track. Don’t lose your principal, so that you will be eligible to participate in the next round of opportunities and gain new growth.

Of course, the market is risky and participation requires caution.

The wealth stories are all other people's. Entering the circle may also be a big pit. Explore within the range of losses you can afford. Every player has to pay tuition fees to some extent.

The above is just my personal opinion, not investment advice. I am Chuxiaolian, and I am paying attention to the crypto market and web3.