#ARB $ARB ARB Today's Market Analysis:

The current 1-hour level has shown a purple callback signal point, while the 2-hour and 4-hour levels are both dominated by the short side. Special attention should be paid to the long-short watershed at the 4-hour level, that is, the price is close to

0.7803. It is necessary to analyze the follow-up communication of the copycat point 𡝗 search 👉 public/number: Encrypted Riding the Wind

The primary target range of the rebound is set between 0.7833 and 0.7848, and then further attention can be paid to the dynamics near 0.7862. If the above price can be effectively broken through, the daily level market may usher in an upward trend, providing investors with an opportunity to make profits.

However, if the price fails to stabilize, it is necessary to be alert to the support levels below, which are 0.7718, 0.7687 and 0.7652.

For short-term leveraged investors, please pay close attention to market dynamics, operate cautiously, and avoid blindly placing orders. Given the drastic market fluctuations, it is imperative to strengthen risk control awareness and ensure investment safety.

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