7.3BONK: Key price and indicator analysis

The key resistance level has been established at 0.0000255, while the support level is firmly established at 0.00001980. In terms of technical indicators, the relative strength index (RSI) hovers around 61, a reading that shows a certain bullish momentum in the market.

However, it is worth noting that the exponential moving average (EMA) 100 is currently at 0.00002800. As long as the price of BONK remains below this level, the market is temporarily bearish.

Although the price trend and the RSI index are suggesting that the buyer's power is increasing, the bearish signal shown by the EMA 100 still needs to arouse our vigilance.

In such a market environment, traders must remain highly alert and cautious. It is recommended to closely monitor the above key price levels and technical indicators to capture any potential trend changes in time and make wise investment decisions.

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