Fans asked: Why are there still so many people playing even though the contract has been liquidated?

Let me put it this way, you earn 10,000 yuan a month from your job

But in the contract, you use 10,000 yuan as principal to make a 100x contract

As long as it rises by 1%, you can earn 10,000 yuan

In the currency circle, except for the masters who open small positions with large funds as spot goods

, the only ones left are small-scale gamblers who get rich by leverage

In the currency circle, the increase in the price is 1-2% per second in extreme market conditions

That is, if you are lucky, you can earn your monthly salary in one second

Like low-liquidity cottages, it is very easy to pull you 10 or 20 points in one minute

Even the leading benchmark like Dabing is in a bad mood

It is not a problem for you to drop 3.4 points in one minute

And the most exciting thing about contracts is compound interest

Your 10,000 becomes 20,000, which is a 100% return

20,000 becomes 40,000 It is also 100% return

4 becomes 8, 8 becomes 16, 16 becomes 32, 32 becomes 64

You will find that your wealth is multiplied up

Take 100,000 to do spot trading, 1% of the return is 1,000 yuan

Take 100,000 to open a 100 times contract

1% of the market pull-up is a 100% return

With the same market fluctuations, you use 100,000 to make 1,000

I use 100,000 to make 100,000

The superposition of wealth is not at the same level

In this impatient society

Most people are unwilling to "get rich slowly"

Prefer to gamble with high leverage

But you don't see behind them

They may open a 125 times contract to rush

But they still hold the spot that can make them worry-free

Of course, I write this not to let everyone take the only money they have to gamble with the market, but to continuously trade, continuously learn, and continuously improve their cognition to reduce the mistakes they will make, so as to achieve the opportunity of wealth compounding

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