#非农就业数据即将公布 #IntroToCopytrading

The big one is coming! The big one is coming! The big one is coming!

The Ethereum ETF is coming soon. Did Brother Sun’s previous purchase get cut? I’m afraid you are dreaming! Remember last time? Brother Sun bought a lot of Ethereum, but he was also trapped for a while. When the market was desperate, it rose by 20%+ in one day!

Combined with the current Ethereum trend, are there many similarities? It looks very weak. The same big investors such as Brother Sun bought and went sideways, or even fell and got trapped! It feels that the current Ethereum market sentiment is affected again, and it begins to turn to fear and scolding. Does it also mean that a big surge is coming? The story of a 20% daily increase happened again? This time, let us wait and see the arrival of $4,000!