BTC is currently pulling back to the 120-day bull-bear line. Every time BTC approaches the 120-day line, it will become the bull-bear dividing point.

For example, the mainstream currency doubled in April 2019, the spot market increased tenfold in 2020, the spot plummeted 90% in 2022, and the inscription market in early 2023. The market is brewing a historic market, and the currency circle may usher in a chance to go all-in!

1) Time analysis: From the perspective of the time cycle, BTC has two waves of weekly increases. The first wave of increases lasted 140 days and the callback lasted 154 days; the second wave of increases lasted 182 days, and the callback is expected to be between 154-200 days, that is, the adjustment will end from August to September. In addition, historical data shows that October is almost always rising, and it is often the starting point of a big market.

2) Spatial analysis: From a spatial perspective, the first wave of adjustment fell to 0.618 (about 25,000), and the second wave may also fall to 0.618 (about 55,300). This position just fell below the previous low of 56,500, triggering the long stop loss and bottoming out.

3) Investment advice: BTC within 60,000 has a high cost-effectiveness and can be invested regularly. However, before BTC bottoms out, it is not recommended to invest in altcoins.

If you can't find a direction in the currency circle and don't know what currency to buy, check the introduction and share more information and strategies related to the currency circle every day.

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