Short Wins, Spot Loses🤷‍♀️⚠️🤷‍♀️

Guys, as you can see now, we are one click behind every day and it continues like this. I shouted "Short Short Short" and tried to protect you. Now those who opened were left under the money, and those who didn't opened disappeared into the spotlight.

If you are going to buy it, I said, buy $ZK $ZRO and $RAD or long.

There are people asking what we will do now?

You will learn futures trading, there is no other way. Someone wrote that I have been in this market for 3 years and I am constantly losing. If you have been waiting for a spot for 3 years, you are guaranteed to lose. You can earn by trading in this market. Other than that, aren't there any coins we expect, of course, but these are rarely profitable.

Those who have not yet activated their futures transactions should activate them with the link below and learn how to take short transactions by sending a small amount of USTS or USDC from the spot wallet to the futures wallet. These are my last warnings🤷‍♀️👍

Vadeli İşlem Akrifleştirme