Early in the morning, this needle has pierced the faith of many people again

Just two days into July, the price of Bitcoin is about to fall below 60,000

The bull market is over, it's all my fault for entering the cryptocurrency circle too late

Such remarks are endless, and many fans have begun to come to Lao Li for psychological massage

Okay! Let's talk about whether it is too late to enter the cryptocurrency circle now?

Compared with 2010, it is indeed more than ten years later to enter the Bitcoin market now.

For those who entered early and earned a lot of Bitcoin, it is not only late, but also suffered heavy losses.

However, most early participants not only experienced multiple rounds of bull and bear markets, but also lost everything in the end. Compared with them, it is lucky to enter the market late. It is better to enter the market later than early.

Compared with those who still don't understand this field, you are ahead.

Is the importance of timing really that great?

Of course it is important. When the price of Bitcoin is still in the single digits, tens or hundreds, there is an opportunity to start. Now that Bitcoin has risen to five digits, the cost is much higher.

But if you hold Bitcoin for a short period of time just to earn the difference, and end up not keeping any, you will regret it very much in retrospect.

So, is it really so painful to enter the market late?

Not really. Even if you miss Bitcoin and Ethereum, taking this year as an example, if you seize the inscription market, you can also get thousands of times the return, and it is only in half a year.

There is never a shortage of opportunities in the cryptocurrency market, and this field is always full of imagination and expectations.

But if you just dabble in it, pay attention occasionally, and only start to go all out when the bull market comes, then you will not make money.

If you devote yourself to this industry, pay attention to it and immerse yourself in it every day, and enjoy the fun of it, then sooner or later the god of luck will come.

There are opportunities to make money no matter sooner or later.

Finally, if you are a pure novice, and you are excited to rush into the currency circle when you see BTC hit a record high before, then I suggest you pay attention to me first, learn the knowledge of the currency circle with me, and make up for your basic skills. Laying a good foundation can go further.

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