1. Are we about to enter a long bear market?

The market has been sluggish for some time, and I guess many investors are feeling quite depressed. I also feel very bored.

As for whether this situation will last for a long time and enter a long bear market, I can't guess. But this inevitably reminds me of the situation at the end of the last bear market.

I remember it was in the first half of 2020, I wrote in an article: In the market at that time, I didn’t see any innovation in Ethereum’s applications, nor did I see any signs of large external funds entering the market. Therefore, I thought that even if there was a bull market (at that time), it would probably not be a very strong bull market. It is estimated that the peak value of Bitcoin may be between US$20,000 and US$50,000.

But just a few months later, a miracle happened:

Compound issued governance tokens, and the liquidity mining model emerged. DeFi officially set off a frenzy, and the curtain of the last bull market was opened.

Sometimes, miracles come so unexpectedly.

In my opinion, the crypto ecosystem is the most innovation-friendly, has the lowest threshold, and is the place most likely to produce miracles among all the high-tech ecosystems in the world. I believe that the next miracle in the crypto ecosystem will still appear.

So I think we should not lose confidence in this vibrant and dynamic crypto ecosystem, even though the current market conditions are very depressed.

Even though we will suffer for a long time in this round of bear market, as long as we hold this position, once a miracle comes again, God will definitely not let us down for our patience and persistence.

2. Which cold wallet do you recommend? How about the cold wallet of OneKey brand?

I won’t recommend any cold wallets. My friends and I use OneKey and ImToken.

3. Is there any fur-raising fuel?

This is a modular blockchain and a relatively special expansion system in the Ethereum ecosystem, focusing on the expansion of Ethereum execution. I also participated in some operations of this blockchain.

4. Does Vitalik still have any ideas about sharding?

Judging from Vitalik’s articles in the past two years, he has not mentioned the development of sharding much, so I don’t think his focus will be on sharding in the short term.

His focus on the second-layer extension will be on how to strengthen the interconnection between the second-layer extensions and how to solve the problems between the second-layer extensions.

5.Can Linea and Scroll still make money?

I still play with these two extensions from time to time when I have time or remember to do so, but I never do anything like POH (especially in Linea), as I dislike such things.

6. What is the prospect of ORDI? Is it still possible to buy it at the current price of around 50?

As for ORDI, I still think that once the bull market comes, ORDI's performance is likely to be leveraged by Bitcoin. I will not buy it at a price around 50. I bought some when it was more than 30 a while ago.

7. How about MATIC?

I think the performance of the Matic team has always been good. This team has created several projects, and the ZK CDK it developed is being used by more and more project parties to create new ZK second-layer extensions.

So I didn't care too much about its price. Except for replacing some Matics with OP and ARB some time ago, I still kept the rest.

8. How is Magic? The team has been making a lot of moves recently, which is good news.

The main positive thing I know is that the project team is developing the second layer extension of Ethereum. This is indeed a way out that is worth trying. In the current environment, I can't see a better way to boost the project.

9. What about SATS?

I have never sold any of this coin and have always held it in my hand. I will wait until the bull market to sell it.

This Saturday night (July 6), we will have an online discussion on Twitter. If you have any questions, please post them at the link below:
