#PolkaWorldNewsBreaking! Regarding the discussion of the Polkadot Treasury spending 87 million, Fabian Gompf, CEO of Web3 Foundation, said that the treasury should fund more avant-garde and eye-catching projects, and that the on-chain treasury has recently spent too much on low-return activities. @seunlanlege believes that Polkadot should invest more funds in developer funding and development tools rather than sports sponsorship or other marketing activities. @giottodf countered that it is not a good idea to directly fund developers, and that venture capital should be attracted to invest in developers through marketing. @pambamdam believes that the Polkadot Treasury needs to fill the gap in the ecosystem fund and recommends attracting important venture capital through token sales funded by the treasury. What do you think? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss! #区块链新闻