Golden Finance reported that K33 Research analysts said that the ETH spot ETF may outperform BTC in the weeks after it goes online in the United States. K33 analysts Vetle Lunde and David Zimmerman said in the report that the two ETFs are expected to be launched as early as July 8. They are a "golden egg" for the price of ETH, and Bitcoin will face selling pressure as $8.5 billion worth of funds are returned to creditors of the collapsed exchange Mt.Gox starting this week. For more than a year, ETH has been underperforming BTC, which has achieved market-leading gains this year as more than $14 billion in funds have flowed into Bitcoin exchange-traded products. Lunde said that with the arrival of summer and the accumulation of funds, ETFs have become a solid catalyst for ETH's relative strength, and I firmly believe that the current ETH/BTC price is a good deal for patient traders. "We remain optimistic about the prospects for ETH and expect net inflows to be equivalent to 0.75-1% of ETH's circulating supply within five months of launch.