


All the long and short positions given yesterday were received perfectly

People gave short and short points around 0.095

Highest 0.09477, lowest 0.08758

50 times leverage eats -370%, which means the margin has doubled 3.7 times

Currently short and long orders fluctuate around the loss position

Long around 0.0885, loss 0.0875

This short and long position is a bit dangerous, even if it loses, it is only 1%, not painful

Besides, it has not lost

Again, the public order gives the entry range

The high-end game gives the precise points

It is not as difficult to make orders as you think

But it is not as simple as you think

Small warehouse public orders are enough to eat, provided that you can grasp the range

High-end games are even worse, I say you do it, follow it and everything will be simple!