Good morning, I took a look, Bitcoin is in good condition, and the data is stable.

Ethereum is relatively weak for the time being, and there is not so much liquidity supply and too much love for the time being. I hope everyone is clear.

614 is the bottom line of the strong and weak boundary. Try to participate in Bitcoin and Ethereum according to the position I said in real time. Most of the cottages are not necessary to touch for the time being, so don't go indiscriminately. #bonkk

Observation: bonk, wif, mln, zro... #ZRO智能策略库🥇🥇

#ASI代币合并计划 #MiCA

If you want to know specific opportunities and specific decisions, welcome everyone to follow Changkong, click on the avatar to view the text, and you can get the position allocation strategy, teaching you how to make money in the bull market and earn coins in the bear market.