As a @DAO Labs #SocialMining Community Member, I am joining in the celebration! In a landmark ruling, a US federal court has dealt a significant blow to the Securities and Exchange Commission SEC by rejecting its core claims against @Binance The court’s decision has far-reaching implications for the #crypto industry, signaling a major victory for #Binance and the broader #Cryptocommunity

Key Takeaways

Crypto Tokens Not Automatically Securities The court ruled that crypto-tokens, including #binancecoin $BNB cannot be automatically classified as securities

This decision challenges the SEC’s longstanding position and provides clarity for market participants.

BUSD Stablecoin Cleared: The court outright rejected the argument that Binance USD (BUSD), the exchange’s stablecoin, qualifies as an investment contract. This paves the way for BUSD’s continued use without regulatory overhang.

Partial Remand for Further Consideration: While Binance emerged victorious on several fronts, some of the SEC’s claims were remanded for further examination.