Why can't ordinary people buy 100x coins? Even if they buy them, they can't hold them

Take the Dogecoin that skyrocketed in 2021 as an example. Do you know what it means to make more than 100 times by buying Dogecoin with all positions?

First, you dare to go all-in on a copycat coin. How bold and gambling you are.

Second, you actually chose a 100x coin among thousands of junk coins. How sharp your vision is and how lucky you are.

Third, Dogecoin has had countless violent callbacks in the middle. You can hold it all the time without selling it. How great your heart is.

Fourth, you have to buy at a relatively low point and sell at a high point accurately. How awesome your skills are.

For this kind of story to happen, the requirements for ability, luck, mentality and technology are all top-notch. Brother Zhuan has also experienced all kinds of torment of getting 100x coins, which is obviously the most difficult one among all the playing methods.

Seeing the myth of getting rich more than 100 times, everyone will envy.

However, you turn around and do it yourself. You are dreaming of making a hundred times the money by investing heavily in one or two copycats. Did you only bring money when you entered the market and forget to bring your brain? It's dawn, wake up quickly.

To be honest, there are hundreds of thousands of people who buy Dogecoin. Can you find three people you really know who have made 150 times the money?

A more reliable way to play copycats is: the bull market compiles its own track index. If you want to buy, buy all the top high-quality assets in a certain track. If the east is not bright, the west will be bright.

Take advantage of the trend dividend of a track in the bull market. This is the feasible way for ordinary people to get rich

The current bull market is surging, and there are passwords shared every day.

If you don't know what to do in the current market, click on my avatar, follow me to see the introduction, bull market spot planning, contract passwords, free sharing.

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