Enzyme is a DeFi Operating System that provides access to over 350 digital assets to asset managers, DAOs, treasury managers, and investors. Enzyme enables asset managers and fund sponsors to create their own tokenized investment vehicles by automating back and middle office processes with smart contracts. The platform is powered by the Ethereum ERC-20 $MLN token. The live price of MLN is live-tracked on Binance.

Enzyme has designed two use cases for its platform: Users who want to use Enzyme to create Smart Vault and those looking to deposit into these said vaults.

Enzyme enables users to create and purportedly monetize non-custodial Smart Vaults that can be used to develop novel investment strategies ranging from discretionary to ETFs, market making, yield farming, lending, and more. Enzyme enables Vault creators to use Enzyme's various building blocks without having any prior knowledge of software engineering.

Enzyme allows users to find and deposit into Vault strategies in a non-custodial and transparent manner, allowing users to reportedly maximize upside potential while allegedly eliminating day-to-day research and portfolio management. Users can do this while maintaining control of user funds and the ability to exit Vaults at any time. #MLN