If you want to do well in the cryptocurrency circle, do you know what to do first?

If you want to make money by speculating in cryptocurrency, you only need to do one thing: don't be greedy

I think that if you want to make money in the cryptocurrency circle, you will definitely make money if you are not greedy.

If you are greedy, most people will lose a lot of money, and a small number of people will make a lot of money.

Why do I say this? Because the cryptocurrency circle is relatively mature at present, and the more mature the market, the fewer opportunities to get rich.

First of all, if you are not greedy, it is very easy to make money

In the long run, cryptocurrencies are still developing gradually. In a gradually developing industry, it is definitely possible to gain a certain amount of wealth.

At worst, you can also invest in BTC. In the long run, investing in BTC is definitely a good way to manage money.

Secondly, if you are greedy, you will lose a lot of money with a high probability, and make a lot of money with a low probability.

If you pursue excess returns and want to make ten or a hundred times, then it is very likely that you will lose everything in the end.

For example, in the bull market of 2023-2024, many people do not buy Bitcoin but want to buy altcoins to fight for higher returns.

Now the returns have not outperformed Bitcoin.

From 2023 to now, Bitcoin has risen from 20,000 to 70,000, which has tripled or quadrupled.

Many newcomers want to buy altcoins with lower market value, but the increase is not as high as Bitcoin, and they even lose money. . . .

In short, if you are an ordinary person, if you don’t understand blockchain technology, if you don’t have enough knowledge of wealth, then as long as you are not greedy in the currency circle, you can definitely make a small money by investing.

These small sums of money cannot make you leap into a higher wealth class, but they are enough to make your living standard higher.

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