I have lost more than 20 million in less than a week of cryptocurrency trading. What should I do?

Buddy, you have more than 20 million to lose, you should be content! You are just showing off your wealth.

There are very few people in the cryptocurrency circle with more than 20 million assets. People who hold this amount are all influential figures in the cryptocurrency circle.

You are also a rich person in reality. You have lost so much in less than a week after entering the cryptocurrency circle. In such a short time, you may not even understand the rules of the cryptocurrency circle.

So it is basically difficult to lose so much by yourself. It is very likely that you were cheated.

Who cheated you? It may be the so-called "friend" who pulled you into the cryptocurrency circle (pure speculation, warning newcomers in the cryptocurrency circle, don't trust friends, trust yourself.).

Are there true friends in this world? There must be, but the probability of us meeting is very low. All friends are based on interests.

Today, a fan friend consulted me and said that a friend invited him to invest in WhaleEx, a decentralized exchange built on the eos ecosystem.

This exchange was flooded with soft articles in 2018 and 2019, but there was very little news about it after 2020.

Decentralized exchanges sound very advanced, but there are many pain points that have not been solved:

First, the trading depth is low, and there are very few players who hesitate to use the exchange, so you may not be able to buy or sell whenever you want.

Second, it is difficult to withdraw money. There are many reasons for this difficulty, such as the exchange does not want you to withdraw money, or there are too few people and you can't find someone to trade with you. Of course, there are darker reasons, which I won't talk about here.

Finally, WhaleEx has recently been reported to have run away, and users cannot withdraw money. The so-called decentralized exchange is even more of a joke. In the final analysis, it is a completely centralized exchange under the guise of decentralization.

This is a completely garbage decentralized exchange. If you have friends around you who invite you to trade on such an exchange, please re-examine your friendship.

If you really go, you may also lose tens of millions a week like the questioner.

Please always remember: there are no friends in the currency circle, only interests.

When choosing an exchange, you can only choose OuY and Binance in China, and stay away from others as much as possible.
