Everyone has overlooked a fact. Without the activity of altcoins, how can Bitcoin be pulled up?

The government is frantically selling Bitcoin, and miners need Bitcoin to maintain their basic lives.

So if it is only Bitcoin in the market, the current buying and selling is just a turnover game between institutions and miners.

Because Bitcoin has always been held by a few people, retail investors do not hold much.

As for the funds of ETFs alone, that is only the operation of institutions and governments, and has little to do with retail investors.

There will definitely be altcoins in this bull market. Without altcoins, who will take over Bitcoin, and who will maintain the ecology of Bitcoin and Ethereum.

So there will definitely be a period of altcoins, and the bull market will definitely come. The short-term pain in June will change in July.

According to previous market experience, the altcoin outbreak period is generally from September to November, which happens to be the time when the Federal Reserve cuts interest rates and market funds flow in.

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