Let's have some international melon! 🍉 🍉If Trump is elected, what will he do?

1. The world will be quiet for a while, because he doesn't like war, he only likes to make money.

2. He will review the US trade policy and try to solve the trade imbalance through negotiations to protect the US economic interests.

3. He may strengthen border control to reduce the entry of illegal immigrants and protect domestic jobs in the United States.

4. In terms of energy policy, he may promote US energy independence, increase support for the domestic energy industry, and reduce dependence on foreign energy.

5. Trump may re-evaluate some international organizations and treaties, and if he believes that these organizations and treaties are not good for the United States, he may consider withdrawing or renegotiating.


6. He will pay more attention to infrastructure construction in the United States and propose a large-scale infrastructure plan to create jobs and enhance the competitiveness of the United States.

7. In terms of tax policy, he may introduce a series of tax cuts to stimulate economic growth and attract corporate investment.

8. Trump may reform education policy and emphasize the importance of vocational education to cultivate more talents that meet market demand.

9. He may strengthen the control of social media and online speech to maintain social stability and order.

10. In foreign policy, he may take a more pragmatic attitude, focusing on the actual interests of the United States rather than over-emphasizing ideology

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