The tracks with the greatest potential in 24 years are AI, RWA, and Depin. Currently, the AI ​​track has the fastest monetization, highest returns, and the most exposure.

Recently, I found the first IMO platform in the AI ​​track: Ora Protocol, which is equivalent to Coinlist in IDO. There may be a great chance that the first coin on it will increase 60 times in a week.

Airdrop has been confirmed, and will start in July (be prepared in advance)

The airdrop tutorial and in-depth report are as follows:


There is never a shortage of money-making opportunities in the crypto market. Stepping on one or two can mean a hundred times the chance of success and can solve all the troubles in life.

But on the contrary, the story of many people has always been: they came in with nothing, left with heavy debts, and just contributed fuel to the market.

If we change the way we enter the market, will it be another scenario? For example, you come in with nothing and are heavily in debt at the beginning. In the end, you are unwilling to give up and start to study the deep logic of the crypto market. From the ups and downs of the environment, you never forget to look for opportunities for new narratives...

The two attitudes lead to completely different results.

So when something appears in front of you, do you treat it as a piece of garbage and curse it, or do you accept it with a learning attitude, then dig into the underlying logic, and finally decide whether to buy it or discard it?

1. Seize the underlying trend of the cryptocurrency market and earn ten or a hundred times more

We can reveal an underlying logic of the currency circle: the encryption market has never lacked new concepts, and it pursues "faster, newer, and more monopolistic".

Even though most new concepts are iterations on previous gameplay, they can still bring new waves and hype in the market, such as:

  • In the earliest ICO, a single air coin could earn tens or hundreds of times the profit.

  • After ICO, you start playing IEO, where the exchange will issue you coins with an annualized return of 3–40 points.

  • After the IEO yield is not that high, play INO, and the hundreds and thousands of times in 21 years are all here;

  • INO is also playing IDO. Previously, the 10–50% profit on Coinlist was mostly;

  • IDO has also evolved into an LBP, which doesn’t make a lot of waves, but it can still make money;

From the above we can see that since 2017, every change in the market's asset issuance method has been able to bring about a large number of new projects, allowing every early holder to obtain new returns.

Have we ever thought about this: from 2023 to 2024, there will be several AI projects in Web3 that will grow by dozens of times, but there will not be an IXO platform?

In 2023, 189 billion will be invested in traditional AI companies, but 99% of them will not be monetizable.

AI has many community platforms on Web2, especially graphic and image platforms, such as C Station and Libulibu;

These large model platforms based on Stable diffusion release massive amounts of personally trained models every day, but have you ever thought about how to monetize them?

If the model you trained was downloaded by others and the pictures they made using your model were sold on Xiaohongshu for hundreds of thousands of dollars, but you are still worrying about whether to upgrade to a 4090 graphics card, what would you think at this time?

The same is true in Web3. With so many AI projects, as a project owner, how do you attract users, how do you quickly issue tokens, how do you get a steady stream of user interactions? How do you monetize your big model? How do you monetize your users?

At this time, a large model market that integrates Web2 and Web3 is needed. After all, Web2 has not figured out how to monetize in this regard. If there is a model that can meet the needs of project parties, model training teams, users, and platforms, will this space be dozens or hundreds of times larger?

An AI project called Ora Protocol, which appeared in March this year, was the first to propose the concept of IMO (Initial Model Offering). The first AI token $OLM issued on it increased 60 times within a week of its release.


Isn’t it amazing? Let’s take a look at the deep logic of Ora Protocol and how early users get airdrops, and then decide for themselves whether to continue to follow up.

The following is divided into the following sections:

  • The core mechanism of Ora Protocol

  • Ora Protocol Business Value

  • How to get Ora Protocol airdrop

  • How to buy new shares on Ora Protocol

2. Ora Protocol’s Core Mechanism

Ora Protocol is an AI model tokenization platform (IMO). Any AI team can issue its own tokens on the Ora Protocol platform with its own AI model.

If you are a WEB3 AI developer, in addition to doing various basic work such as development and training, you also have to do marketing and operations yourself, and think about how users can generate revenue...

With Ora Protocol, you don’t need to do too much. You just need to provide back-end technical support, and leave the front-end coin issuance and market matters to Ora Protocol.

How is this achieved? Here we only need to understand a few core issues:

  • Ora Protocol uses Onchain AI Oracle (OAO) and opML (Optimistic Machine Learning) to ensure that a certain AI model is real and corresponds to the token you hold.

  • Ora Protocol uses the ERC-7641 token standard to connect AI models and the economic value they generate with token holders; through ERC-7007, called "Verifiable AI-Generated Content Token", it ensures that AI works cannot be changed or forged, and enjoys the subsequent use of AI models and the profit sharing of creative works.

Therefore, the overall logic of IMO is very clear: AI model developers need to raise funds and bind the model to a token for IMO; buyers purchase tokens and, in accordance with the rules of the token smart contract, enjoy a share of the profits from the subsequent use of the AI ​​model and the creation of works.

3. Ora Protocol Business Value

In 2023, 189 billion was invested in traditional AI companies, but 99% of them could not go public, and the traditional world could not solve the problems of tracking and value sharing after their models were open sourced.

It is reported that after Ora Protocol announced that it wanted to build an IMO platform, because it was the first IMO platform, more than 20 traditional AI companies approached ORA and wanted to conduct public issuance through IMO. This shows how hungry AI companies are for monetization solutions.

That’s why VCs saw the commercial potential behind it. After the launch of Ora Protocol, it received two rounds of financing, raising $23 million. Investors include:

Top investment giants include Holychain, HF0 (the first-tier AI company incubator in the United States), Hashkey, DAO5 and Sequoia China.

Since all AI models can be sold on the chain through Ora, it is conceivable that more and more AI projects will issue tokens on Ora Protocol in the future. Behind this will be a sustainable business worth hundreds of billions of dollars, which can fully open up the imagination of the crypto AI market.

Since all AI models can be sold on the chain through Ora, it is conceivable that more and more AI projects will issue tokens on Ora Protocol in the future. Behind this will be a sustainable business worth hundreds of billions of dollars, which can fully open up the imagination of the crypto AI market.

4. How to get the Ora Protocol airdrop (starting on July 1st, be prepared in advance)

Ora Protocol is preparing to start the first airdrop activity: there will be 10,000 ETH Caps, and the airdrop points correspond to future tokens. You can use STONE/OLM/ETH to participate.

  • The core of airdrop interaction: Use the AI ​​big model to brush gas, and you can get 3-6 points each time. The interaction method is as follows:

Step 1: Enter Ora Protocol and bind Twitter

  • Related task link:

  • Link to Twitter (10 points)

  • Enter code: TXY7XW (5 points)

  • Link Wallet

Step 2: Enter ORA Onchain AI Oracle and swipe the transaction

  • Click ORA Onchain AI Oracle

  • Select any model

  • If you are worried about the transaction fee, you can switch to other chains

If you want to kill two birds with one stone, use $STONE token transactions or use the Linea chain.

  • Enter prompt or click "Surprise me"

  • Wallet confirmation

Each transaction will have a fee of 0.0003 EHT+Gas, and 3–6 points can be obtained for each use.

  • Scroll down and click Finalize

Then you can see your transaction points on the POINTS page:

There is no limit on the number of transactions for the above transactions. This is a transaction airdrop, the more transactions you make, the better.

The airdrop tutorial ends here, and the accelerated rewards will start on July 2nd.

Ora Protocol does not have its own platform currency yet. The points we earn will be converted into platform currency airdrops later. The token economics has not yet been released, so the value of the points cannot be calculated yet. However, on the transaction page, we can see that each ETH can get 10,000 points, which means that the value of a point is between 0.3-0.4.

Although there is a price difference between the cost of points and their value, we may not earn much if we just swipe them, so we must swipe them when there are official event bonuses, such as the first phase of 10,000 ETH Caps starting on July 2.

Points acceleration activities:

  • Time: 7/2 13:00 SGT

  • Phase 1 cap: 10,000ETH/STONE + 300 million OLM:

Rules: ORA Points calculation method:

  • Accumulate points over time

  • ETH, stETH, STONE 8 points per 1 ETH every 24 hours

  • 24 points per 10,000 OLM every 24 hours

  • Multiple assets can be pledged

  • Process: Go to to pledge STONE/OLM/ETH, and points will be settled and distributed daily.

5. How to subscribe to new shares on Ora Protocol

Ora Protocol is an AI model coin issuance platform (IMO). Many AI projects will issue coins on the platform. The first coin issued on the platform is $OLM, which increased 60 times in a week.

It is reported that the second Fair Launch will be issued on the platform around July 7, and STONE can be used for new issuance. You can prepare some STONE in advance.
