Contracts are a game of accumulating small amounts

Many people look down on those who only make tens to hundreds of U a day with contracts

They always think they are very cautious and have no vision, but have you ever thought about it? IU is equal to 7.2 RMB, 100U is more than 700 RMB. There are not many people in China who can make more than 700 RMB a day. Relying on the way of slow accumulation and safe advancement is also the most stable approach at present.

Contracts are not about how much money you make from a single order as everyone imagines, and then you get rich, but you never thought about how many small orders have accumulated before this order. The mentality of making money quickly will ruin a person, and the mentality of getting rich overnight is the same.

Keep a cautious mentality. If you want to make money in any industry, it is definitely not easy, and you also need a little luck.

At present, the bull market is surging, and there are passwords shared every day.

If you don’t know what to do in the current market, click on my avatar, follow me to see the introduction, bull market spot planning, contract passwords, free sharing.

I need fans, you need references. It’s better to follow than to guess.

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