🔥🔥🔥Uncle's Journey into Cryptocurrency Contracts: From Broken Dreams to Deep Lessons

I have an uncle who is an electrician by profession, but he is full of curiosity and enthusiasm for new things. At the beginning of last year, he learned that I had made some achievements in the cryptocurrency circle, and he was yearning and decided to join in.

At first, my uncle followed my advice and waited and watched. But soon, the market volatility and the story of getting rich overnight made him unable to hold back, and he decided to go out in person. He ignored the risks, quickly invested funds, and tried contract trading to use leverage to magnify the returns.

In the first few weeks, my uncle did taste the sweetness, and his assets doubled rapidly. This made him more confident, and he even began to laugh at my overly conservative strategy of hoarding coins. However, the good times did not last long. As he increased leverage and got involved in junk coins, risks accumulated.

A few months later, the market suddenly changed, and my uncle's assets shrank sharply. The unknown currencies he bought plummeted, and contract trading caused him to suffer heavy losses. From the initial doubling to the subsequent huge losses, my uncle experienced a roller coaster experience from heaven to hell.

In the end, under the impact of Luna's thunderbolt, my uncle's assets were completely reduced to zero. This painful lesson made him deeply aware of the high risk of cryptocurrency contracts. He regretted not following my advice, and even more regretted his greed and blindness.

My uncle's story tells us: In the cryptocurrency circle, risks and opportunities coexist. Although contract trading may bring high returns, it also comes with huge risks. Investors should remain rational and choose carefully, and never blindly follow the trend and covet huge profits. Only in this way can we move forward steadily in a complex and changing market.

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