In the past, as long as you could buy and hold in the bull market,

The funds in this round of bull market are switched faster,

For the cottage, you must know how to sell, and you must be able to lock in profits. Selling fast will always make money.

Don't be too patterned and lose all your profits in the bear market.

After this wave of reshuffle is completed, the cottage market will rise again,

but it will no longer be the overall rise of the past bull market.

Good targets may be able to run dozens of times,

and bad targets are very likely to not outperform the market.

It is important to choose a good target. If you choose the wrong one, it is more important to dare to change positions. Don't be dragged down by the cost of silence. #非农就业数据即将公布 #币安合约锦标赛 #ASI代币合并计划