Will the rise and fall of the cryptocurrency circle really scare people to death?

If you have not experienced it, no matter how many gorgeous words you use, you cannot describe the horror of the rise and fall of the cryptocurrency circle.

How terrible is it? Look at a family of three in South Korea, who chose to leave this world with their family of three because they invested in Luna.

Luna is commonly known as the Moutai of the cryptocurrency circle. It used to cost hundreds of dollars, but now it has returned to zero.

The first day you looked at your cryptocurrency account and thought you were a multimillionaire. The next day you opened your account and only had a few dollars left. It only took a moment from heaven to hell.

There are also many people who do contracts. Generally, they start with small positions and make money, so they are full of confidence and start dreaming of luxury cars and beautiful women, ready to go all in. The final result is usually a liquidation.

Many people regard contracts as a poisonous snake in the cryptocurrency circle, but many people are playing and enjoying it. They have strong enough psychological qualities and solid investment skills. Newcomers are not suitable for contracts because you will be liquidated.

There is a video online, a middle-aged man on a high-speed train, suddenly broke down and cried loudly, just because the contract suddenly exploded, tens of millions were gone in an instant, do you think the currency circle will scare people to death?

Some friends who entered the currency circle thought that investing in Bitcoin was too slow to make money, so they went astray and bet on Dogcoin crazily.

What is Dogcoin?

Some funds and scammers randomly issued a coin on the Kaiyuan public chain in the currency circle, packaged it by a professional team, and promoted it in major communities. Because some of these coins rose hundreds of times during the bull market, many leeks chose to gamble.

In particular, Dogcoin introduced by some acquaintances and masters has a fatal attraction to them, and they frantically spend money to get on the train and try to buy several houses at once.

Although there are people in the currency circle who invest in Dogcoin to make money, as far as the people I have met around me, no one has invested in Dogcoin to make money, and all of them have nothing.

Maybe the last second, the Dogcoin project party is still drawing a beautiful blueprint, and the next second it has collapsed, and all the coins are instantly zero.

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