In the past two days, people said that $BTC will fall sharply, but the real big guys are actually buying more. Why? Because we can see from the previous large orders that the big guys have been buying more.

In the past few days, many people have been bearish, saying that the Mentougou incident will sell a lot of BTC. To be honest, these are all unconfirmed things. They are all hyping up short selling, but judging from the trading volume on the 30th, there are a lot of long buys flowing in, so I think we can take a wave of long orders;

BTC: 62838-62600 buy more

62100 stop loss

64520 take profit

(The trend is still bullish now, so you can take more with a light position, and you can add positions later)

#热门话题 #BTC走势预测 #BTC翻倍之路