Some friends say that San Ma Ge's contract win rate is 100%. No, no, no, this is not correct. It is too exaggerated and a bit misleading.

Many friends have followed the strategy for a while, including fans who have copied it for free and have been following it for almost 3 months. They say the win rate is very high.

However, the earliest batch of old members with more than 4 years have counted that the contract seems to have an overall win rate of 88% in 4 years. It may have been close to 90% before, but there was a period of time when too many short-term contracts were issued, and the orders were a bit messy, which affected the win rate.

Later, after years of research and actual analysis, it is not necessary to hold so many coins in the contract. If you design a position for a coin (with additional positions), the full position is enough to open a coin. If there are more, you can only eat in the opposite direction. But this operation can only be done by veterans.

For example, before, San Ma Ge was short at 72,000 and long at 60,000, and held BTC positions in both directions at the same time, and both sides were floating profits. However, because there are too many people, everyone's level is uneven, and some default to one-way positions, so the simple operation of one direction is unified later, so that everyone can solve problems together, otherwise it will easily affect the progress rhythm. $BTC