"Cardano co-founder Charles Hoskinson believes that artificial intelligence (AI) models lose their usefulness over time. 🤖💡 In a tweet on Sunday, he stated that this is due to alignment training that comes with AI censorship. Hoskinson is constantly talking about the "profound" effects of AI censorship He is worried.

AI censorship refers to the use of machine learning algorithms to automatically filter content deemed objectionable, harmful or sensitive. This approach is often implemented by governments and Big Tech companies to shape public opinion by promoting certain viewpoints and restricting others.

Hoskinson noted that the issue of censorship and control of AI models, especially high-powered ones, has become a major issue.

Many who agreed with Hoskinson's view noted that it was a matter of a group of people training and constraining an AI model based on their perspective. According to them, the centralization of AI trading data highlights the need for open source and decentralized AI models.

What are you thinking? We are waiting your comments! 👇😄"