#btc #eth

Don't panic, the bulls are still here!

The market rose rapidly but was not cleaned up in time, resulting in too many floating chips. Last night, the main forces of long and short positions fought back and forth, fighting for the initiative while cleaning floating chips. The market trading was active and the market was particularly interesting. This shows that new funds have entered the market to buy cryptocurrencies, and the subsequent increase is worth looking forward to.

At 8 pm, BTC made efforts on the long side, and was suppressed by the short side. It fought back and forth around 62,700, resulting in large market fluctuations. With the continuous entry of funds, the competition ended at around 11 o'clock. The long side won and Bitcoin rushed up 1,000 points.

Unfortunately, it was attacked by the short side at 2 am and fell back again. It is currently accumulating strength around 63,000. From the market point of view, it is now in the stage of cleaning floating chips after breaking through the neckline. It is necessary to oscillate up and down to clean up the unsteady chips. There is still room for growth.

So I personally am more optimistic about the market shock and then the upward impact of 66,000.

Today's operation: bullish, long at the support level.

First support: 62700 Second support: 62238

First pressure: 63719 Second pressure: 64888

ETH fell into a deep correction after breaking through the downward trend line. The defensive funds in ETH are relatively weaker than BTC. After a sharp drop in the early morning, it stopped falling above the downward trend line and began to climb upward at a 30-degree angle. There was a small fight between long and short positions on the market, and the long side was more dominant. It seems that ETH also wants to join the rise.

Today's operation: bullish, the downward protection is not as strong as BTC, and the relative performance is slightly weaker.

First support: 3432 Second support: 3409

First pressure: 3468 Second pressure: 3490