Odaily Planet Daily News Lin Chen, head of Deribit's Asia-Pacific business, posted on the X platform that the Fed will speak at 9:30 p.m. on Tuesday, 2 a.m. on Thursday, and 11 p.m. next Tuesday. It is likely that the market will fluctuate with the release of the non-farm payrolls on Friday night. For example, the previous speech insisted on not cutting interest rates. If the non-farm payrolls data is released very badly, the market may pull up first. If it rebounds strongly, the speech next Tuesday may be to lower everyone's expectations for interest rate cuts. In short, there are opportunities for short-term operations, but it is not easy to do. The inflation data will be released next Thursday, which will also disturb the market's nerves. There are also rumors about Biden's withdrawal from the election. In short, it is recommended to use the sale of put options to build positions when BTC falls. In the past two months, you can take advantage of the summer vacation downturn to make fixed investments; in October and November, you can ship, which is considered a small fluctuation.